Inside the Zannafunnu Remote Observatory



The PC server running: TheSkyX, MaximDL 5, CCDAutopilot 4, ClarityII, AstrMC dashboard, TeamViewer, various dedicated software and scripts for automation, etc...

The Roll-Off Roof Motor

Three columns, 30cm diameter each, on a 6x6 meters floor

The AROS UPS - 5000 VA

Electronics: Foster Systems AstroMC master control hub, Boltwood CloudsensorII, TCP-IP relays board, Lan switch, Wireless access point, etc...

Outside widefield camera pointing the sky One of the inside IR - IP webcams
Remote controlled power switches The scope parked, pointing to the flat field panel
The Botwood Cloud SensorII All-Sky Camera Moonglow Technologies
Internet Wi-Fi connection by Novaquadri Group ... and last but not least, an ecological and "automatic" rodents hunter: our great friend Pizza

